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Steps in Creating a Student Directed Seminar

What are the steps in creating a Student Directed Seminar?

  1. Attend an information sessionIf you’d like to learn more about the SDS program, the role of a facilitator, and how to put together an application, we would strongly encourage you to attend an information session.
    • Friday, February 7th 1:30pm – 3:00pm, Lillooet Room, Chapman Learning Commons, Irving K. Barber Centre. This information session will be a panel session of past/current Student Coordinators, Faculty Sponsors, Program staff and the Chair of the Advisory Committee. Come with questions and learn from the experience of other students.
    • Thursday, March 6th 1:00pm – 2:00pm, Centre for Student Involvement Front Lounge
    • Friday, March 7th 3:00pm – 4:00pm, Centre for Student Involvement Front Lounge
  2. Develop a course proposal. Make sure the course you are proposing to coordinate is unique and has not been offered previously. More information on what to include in your course proposal can be found in the SDS Coordinator Application and Information Guide.
  3. Find a faculty sponsor, preferably a tenured professor who has expertise in your proposed seminar’s discipline (or closely related or parallel discipline).
  4. Create a preliminary syllabus, course list, and grading/evaluation system. Your faculty sponsor can help you with this.
  5. Fill out the online application and submit supporting documents by April 11th, 2014 at 11:59PM. Make sure you don’t leave this to the last-minute, as it does take some time to complete!

Next steps:

The SDS Advisory Committee will meet in April to decide which applications will be approved.  All applicants will be notified about the status of their application in May.

If your course proposal is accepted:

  1. Make any revisions the advisory committee has suggested.
  2. Create the course number, schedule a class meeting time, book the classroom, and order any textbook/course materials you need. If you are planning on having guest speakers, make sure you secure them far enough in advance. Again, your faculty sponsor can help with this.
  3. Begin preparing for your Student Directed Seminar! There will be training sessions held to better prepare you for this exciting experience.


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Center for Student Involvement & Careers
Brock Hall
1002-1874 East Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 604.822.9805
Tlell Elviss
Centre for Student Involvement & Careers
1002-1874 East Mall (Brock Hall),
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada

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